2019.07.05; Friday July 5th, 2019: Fwd: What caused the shameful scenes at America’s southern border?

From: The Economist today <noreply@e.economist.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 5, 2019, 1:35 PM
Subject: What caused the shameful scenes at America’s southern border?
The squalid, overcrowded conditions of the detention centres are the result of deliberate policy choices, circumstances beyond the White House’s control and plain old incompetence

July 5th 2019 Read in browser

The Economist today

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Editor’s note:
The Economist is calling on young people to enter this year’s essay competition on the question: "What fundamental economic and political change, if any, is needed for an effective response to climate change?" Winners will be published on our website and invited to attend one of the three Open Future Festival events, to be held simultaneously in Hong Kong, Manchester and Chicago on October 5th. The deadline is July 31st. More information is here