2020.04.18; SaApr18th: Trump’s ‘Liberate Michigan!’ tweets incite insurrection. That’s illegal. | Federal law bans advocating the overthrow of government. : politics
Published by DB,

Trump’s ‘Liberate Michigan!’ tweets incite insurrection. That’s illegal. | Federal law bans advocating the overthrow of government.

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Hey there FBI, DHS, State DOJs, etc.
Any chance you could please defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; and bear true faith and allegiance to the same?
Thanks, We the People
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I keep expecting something to happen and nothing does.
I would even take someone telling him off at a press conference.
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Bill Barr is a traitorous enabler. He's allowing widespread corruption without batting an eye. As long as he is AG, the crime spree will continue. I don't know how that man sleeps at night.
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Throw the secret service in there, too.
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What about the CIA? They're great at handling populist and democratically elected leaders, why not showcase their talents at home.
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Another day, another impeachable offense.
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Yeah, unless that sycophant William Barr is removed, I don't see DOJ ever holding Orange Dictator Lite accountable for his treasonous acts.
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Every day I become more and more convinced that the AG and DoJ needs to be separate from the executive branch and the presidency. Not to impeach, but to be able to freely investigate and bring to light wrongdoing in the executive and legislative branches of government.
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Inciting dangerous, literally illegal domestic acts is certainly something for which an average citizen should be arrested.
Someone with the worldwide visibility and political clout of the president should be moreso held responsible.
It's the difference between openly shaking your fist at your neighbor and pointing a tank turret at him on live TV.
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The president of the United States is pushing sedition. I think I have seen in all now.
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I've said that so many times. And then bam, another shocker. There is no bottom.
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It makes you crave having legitimate people in power who would actually tell him no (and who would have actually impeached him, but I guess we're way past that. How that was only two months ago... Feels like a lifetime). After watching basically all of the WH and the Senate fold to his every whim, it's been such a refreshing breath of fresh air to see governors tell him to get fucked.
EDIT: I know he was impeached, I meant removed from office
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Every time I've said that Trump has struck rock bottom he manages to to find a larger shovel and keeps on tunneling. This won't even live in the news cycle through the weekend before he does his next even dumber thing.
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If the founding fathers were alive today they would be marching an army on Washington to take Trump and the Republican Party down.
Edit: Funny all the people saying they wouldn’t just two days after Trump said he had absolute power over the states because he’s President.
Trump had pissed all over the constitution outlining 3 coequal branches of government, and betrayed his oath of office.
The founding fathers would have branded him a tyrant and taken him down.
They would have taken him down years ago when he said "article 2 says I can do whatever I want".
The man has shit all over the founding principles of this constitional Republic.
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I've been saying it from the start. He is a fox elected to run the hen house. He wants to dismantle the government from within the government.
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Let’s undo this in November
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I was going to say "...at least he hasn't killed anyone yet?" Then i realized that it was not an accurate statement. 😣
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I believe, it’s Time that WE as a Nation, need to acknowledge, this man at the seat of high office, who is mandated to be OUR public servant, is neither deserving of that seat, nor does not see himself in the light of that honored service.
His refusal to act on intelligence put forward to him of the coming epidemic and -worse than inaction, his constant pushing of his personal agendas in a time of crisis has brought us here to this tipping point in history, to this fateful DAILY reality wherein the very LIVES of those we hold most dear and cherish are on the line, and even past that to a future that so very precarious and uncertain.
And in that aftermath of ALL the mistakes and missteps leading here, not once has the man leading our Nation made an apology for his failure to lead, his erratic words or his complete inaction.
Not once has made of acts of Compassion or Contrition, nor shown any semblance Humility of Humanity.
We, as a Nation, do not owe him our respect or our concordance, and we certainly need to stop making excuses for him to explain away his many shortfalls and endless straightforward lies.
His removal from high office was stalled by the smallest majorities in the Senate. His absolution coming from men and women who supported him out of fear, greed, selfish ambition, or simply lack of strength of Will.
OUR Representatives have Failed US. All these endless Polls and Pundits be damned.
We need to stop looking at polls and look the truth in the eye.
We all know this simplest of Truths: The man we as a Nation put into power is certainly not the man that can continue to lead our Nation by any sane measure or tracts of logic.
So I have to ask: Just what are WE waiting for ?
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[_] He's only joking!
[_] He says it like it is.
Here you go Republicans, pick which one it is this time.
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I just finished that A Warning book from an anonymous Trump official two days ago and one of the things he really stresses is that Trump very rarely is joking; he just uses that as a convenient excuse whenever he’s called on his BS.
Now, sure, most of us already suspected that, but to read it from someone who is a lot closer to him than the average person is pretty worrisome.
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[_] Don't be so literal; what the precedent was really saying was ...
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The other great defense: "the whatabouter"
[] whatabout Hillary. [] whatabout Biden [_] lwhatabout mexican Carvan is back!
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Either way, what he's suggesting is tantamount to treason
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That's the thing, they're fine picking both.
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GOP stopped dealing in facts years ago. They've been pandering to the lowest common denominator for so long they've backed themselves into the corner. Curious what the billionaire donors are going to do when Trump loses or blows us all up. If he gets re-elected I'm guessing at least 60% chance that moron goes to war with Chyna.
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The new one I'm hearing now is
He does this to laser point out the problem with the Democrats. It's to piss em off
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He is doing more to delay the opening of the country than he think he is doing.
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I think he knows what he's doing. This way he can set up the governors as the assholes while he "tried to free his people" from lockdown. Sad part is, his cult won't see through the rhetoric.
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Never thought of it that way before
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Which happens to be very convenient for him...draws away attention from another impeachment case and if possible a second wave of corona can be a basis to postpone the elections because of social distancing.
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They don't think it be like it is, but it do
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He is doing it on purpose to cause an epidemic level event in Michigan.
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Whoever had encourage a new civil war on their Sociopath Bingo Card, please come collect your prize.
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There’s a lot of shit that’s happened since he became POTUS that I didn’t see coming. This was one of the more predictable ones though.
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He's done this a couple times already, that spot is already covered.
He said this during impeachment, for example.
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He does know he would lose horribly, all that needs to happen is 2 of what's most could say are the more progressive sstates to break from the union or find away to just not pay into the fed and bye bye wall Street, hell cali alone would probably cause the largest market crash in history, 2.4 trillion gone, if new york ups and goes that's another 1.1 trillion, how do you think the market reacts to 3.5 trillion vanishing , that's about 22% of your nations GDP gone.
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Is it a rocket ship off this planet, cause if so, BINGO!
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I didn't expect it this obvious until the election results come in November.
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It wasn't about Coronoavirus it was about state rights!!
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Liberate Michigan
We michiganders really would like to be liberated from Trump. But we're not sure how to go about it?
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Ask Trudeau for an adoption?
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Wasn't Michigan one of the swing states that swung to Trump in 2016?
So I have an idea about what you Michiganders could do...
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Register to vote! Remind your friends and neighbors to do the same.