2020.04.18; SaApr18th: 65 Percent of U.S. Adults Say POTUS Was Too Slow to Respond to COVID-19 Outbreak: Poll : Coronavirus

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65 Percent of U.S. Adults Say POTUS Was Too Slow to Respond to COVID-19 Outbreak: Poll
88% Upvoted
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1.9k points · 3 hours ago
35% said Trump was right before the question was even posed.
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516 points · 1 hour ago
Which is down from the usual 41% so... Silver lining?
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206 points · 56 minutes ago
this is it, 35% is a massive number. its not nothing at all.
if 35% are rock solid supporters, like 100% die hards.
then any election isn't about getting 51% of the vote. its about him, coercing, cajoling, commandeering and convincing just 16% by any and all means necessary.
he is a incumbent, during an emergency, employing shady tactics with foreign support.
the democrats have a half measure, to a disenfranchised base, of frustrated idealists.
I'm not sure Biden can remove that 35% from trump.
Trump has zealouts, the democrats have thinkers, people who stop and hesitate when biden gets accused of molestation, people who stop and think, why not bernie, people who stop and think full stop.
Trump doesn't need to win the ellection, he just has to try not to lose it. its like playing tic tac toe and he is playing to draw.
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23 points · 1 hour ago
That 35% can immediately tell you what they think Trump’s semen tastes like.
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9 points · 58 minutes ago
That 35% = Stupid
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Comment removed by moderator3 hours agoMore than 23 children
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66 points · 3 hours ago
Trump: Not fast enough? I'll show them fast by reopening really fast
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20 points · 31 minutes ago
Trump this week:

"Our relationship with Canada is very good -- we'll talk about that. It will be one of the early borders to be released," the president said. "Canada's doing well, we're doing well -- so we'll see."
Canada: "Sorry, eh, but no thanks"
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4 points · 26 minutes ago
Politician: We've slowed the infection rate of the virus so it's time to go back to normal.
Parachutist: This parachute has slowed my decent so it's time to take the parachute off.
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936 points · 4 hours ago
For those who hang their hat on how he banned travel from China - the point is that unless you're like the nation of Georgia that went to FULL border and airport closure in about a week, selective travel bans are pointless. People will just hop on intermediate flights and come in that way. That's how Italy got infected and how this country got infected mostly via Europe.
What Trump did was more dangerous than doing nothing because to Americans who are acculturated to complacency, it gave the impression of doing something and therefore justifying their complacency.
level 2
275 points · 3 hours ago
It wasn't even a full travel ban since it didn't apply to US citizens who travelled there, nor did they make those citizens coming from there require to quarantine themselves.
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75 points · 3 hours ago
It's not like Americans travelling from China, or people coming from anywhere else, couldn't have the virus either. The travel ban may was effectively pointless. It could have served to slow down the virus curve and help prepare for the impact, but there was just no preparation at all so the time won was just that, pointless
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level 2
85 points · 3 hours ago
It wasn’t a real travel ban. Even after implementation Air China flew three times a week from Beijing to New York. It is simply inconceivable for many Americans that China has its own massive civil aviation industry.
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13 points · 2 hours ago
For those who hang their hat on how he banned travel from China - the point is that unless you're like the nation of Georgia that went to FULL border and airport closure in about a week, selective travel bans are pointless. People will just hop on intermediate flights and come in that way. That's how Italy got infected and how this country got infected mostly via Europe.
Snap travel ban without quarantines also start the infection clock because it create a prompts people to come home. Non-China Countries that have the worst outbreaks all had a snap travel ban without quarantine.
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10 points · 1 hour ago
My old boss flew to China for Chinese New Year and came back early March. He wasn't tested in either place. I don't know what people think happened - but a travel ban clearly didn't do much if a middle manager from a random company can fly back and forth with no questioning either way.
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19 points · 2 hours ago
he didn't even ban anything. The airlines all voluntarily stopped.
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Comment removed by moderator4 hours agoMore than 1 child
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5 points · 1 hour ago
Let’s just play devil’s advocate and suggest it was a good idea. It’s still literally the only thing he did. He then went weeks downplaying it until it affected the market and he was forced to take it seriously.
He wants us to praise him for doing this one thing. It’s like scoring a touchdown in the first quarter and then losing the game. You have to play all four quarters.