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Anti-cheat software is an absolute shit show of cat-and-mouse tactics. It’s often difficult to distinguish anti-cheat software from rootkits or spyware. They’re invasive and user hostile, and they frequently cause collateral damage that is swept under the rug and that support tacitly refuses to acknowledge.This has happened on multiple occasions with Blizzard: - https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Blizzard... - https://m.slashdot.org/story/75350 Of course, although Blizzards initial response was to claim that the users cheated and were lying, they did eventually fix the problem the first time (although IIRC they never reversed all of the bans for the very first WoW Wine ban wave.) Now they have a bit more experience with the issue so it seems it is getting more attention. However with EA I don’t really have utmost confidence they will pay any attention to this, so I’d guess it’s time to get loud if you want any hope of this being fixed.
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> Anti-cheat software is an absolute shit show of cat-and-mouse tactics. It’s often difficult to distinguish anti-cheat software from rootkits or spyware. They’re invasive and user hostile, and they frequently cause collateral damage that is swept under the rug and that support tacitly refuses to acknowledge.Sure, but I don't see a good alternative. Cheating is a real problem and will quickly destroy your online community (see other comments in this thread). Sacrificing a small percent of your playerbase in the name of having a functioning online system at all seems like a reasonable solution to me. It's unfortunate that it is necessary, but people are jerks.
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>Sure, but I don't see a good alternativeAllow users to votekick and voteban. Provide the server software for players to host their own servers and provide their own solutions to these problems. These are tools and approaches that we had in past games and while they are not perfect, they are better than these black box invasive anticheat solutions born from a desire to avoid giving community control to users. >Sacrificing a small percent of your playerbase in the name of having a functioning online system at all seems like a reasonable solution to me Only if you provide a robust and empowered support staff to quickly unban and resolve false positives. That is, actually take responsibility, which is something game developers and major publishers seem allergic to.
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> Allow users to votekick and voteban. Provide the server software for players to host their own servers and provide their own solutions to these problems.This might still be the best compromise but it is terribly frustrating to be accused of cheating because of different skill levels or tactics.
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Not to mention the ease that that feature can be abused. What’s to stop the opposing team from just vote kicking the top players on your team?I spent my entire middle school life playing Starcraft. When SC2 came out the same rush tactics I learned in SC1 worked. I was often accused of hacking simply because I had years of experience tweaking the fastest build method.
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Assuming you need a majority to ban and teams are equal, everything?
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Agreed. I play War Thunder and have had a couple times been accused of cheating. I would not risk my annual paid account to sit there and cheat. I have invested thousands of hours on that account and that alone is worth way more then any money. I do not cheat is my point. But at times I just blast a shot across the board and you hit a guy. So how do you distinguish between god shots and cheating?
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Seems to me the shift to "Matchmaking" style online multiplayer has caused a whole lot of problems that weren't that big a deal back in the "community server" days. I personally think one can blame the rampant toxicity of players on this removal of the community aspect.
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I have to agree. There were good alternative approaches. For example, I used to play Battlefield 1942 a lot when it was current. A lot of the larger communities had public servers, but also private servers that only people who the mods got to know would be whitelisted for. In the more well-run communities, the mods would hang out and spend some time on the public server to keep order, or were at least accessible (via TeamSpeak, often) if they weren't actively on it.Cheaters quickly got banned from the public servers and people who stuck with the community could enjoy the private server where they knew there'd be a good group of people and usually very little toxicity.
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I made some really good friends playing 1942. Guys I met up with IRL, in other states even. The only probs we had were the "defeat the ceiling by flying upside down" pilots and trash talking with other clans could get a little spammy. The rivalry was welcome though and we mostly resolved it by kicking ass on various ladders. And occasionally getting our asses handed to us. WoW coming along and deflating our numbers made me sad.
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There were plenty of toxic jerks online period with community lobbies. Although if you found a good server or set of them it mitigated the exposure. A big difference experience wise but the underlying problem was the same.Ranked Ladder, PUG Teams, PVP, and especially "griefing mechanics" related to losses for the loser from the stakes can all cumulatively contribute to toxicity.
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My hot-take as a smaller game designer is that I am skeptical that global competitive ladders are good design. I admit that's fringe, and I'm not going to fight people over it. But I can't imagine myself ever designing a system like that for any of my games.First, I think these systems ignore technical realities, and design has to pay attention to real-world constraints. Blocking cheaters is insanely hard, and almost no real-time games that I know of do it at what I believe is an acceptable level. It's a nice idea that I don't think is technically supported, in the same way that it would be a nice idea if my photorealistic MMO didn't have loading screens anywhere and loaded everything instantly. It's not good design to spend a bunch of effort hinging your game design on something that's not technically possible for you to do. Second, I think these systems ignore player incentives. I think that global competitive ranking encourages the worst of playerbases, that skill is an arbitrary mechanism to optimize on instead of something like how close each match was, or player-reported satisfaction levels, or variety of play-styles, or any other of a dozen other metrics. Third, caring about bots radically shrinks your design space. You can't have exploits, players have to have a "right" way to play, modding has to be more limited. It shrinks the game not only in the sense that it makes your systems more complicated -- it fundamentally shrinks what your game can do as a game, and how your game can evolve with the rest of the medium. Finally, not only is skill not a particularly rewarding metric to optimize on when what you really want is for your players to have fun, most of the problems with automation explicitly only are a problem for competitive matchmaking. If you're optimizing for player-reported satisfaction, you probably don't care if people are botting your game, because successful bots will be optimizing for creating good matches instead of for just winning[0]. Personal plug, with my current project, Loop Thesis, LAN play is the only multiplayer. I only want people to play with friends, and I'm not trying to build some kind of community or network. That decision has simplified my architecture so much, the game is so much more modder friendly, the networking code is so much simpler, everything is nicer, and more stable, and more player friendly, because I don't have to care about bots and cheaters. Future games that I make, even if they include global matchmaking, will not have global competitive rankings. My personal take now has become that 90% of the time these systems are a design antipattern. It's counterproductive. I want players playing my game to have fun. I have to ban bots because they make the game not fun. The reason the bots make the game not fun is because all of my design hinges fun on giving players an optimization problem that I explicitly don't want them to solve in creative ways. The bots are solving the optimization problem too well. So getting rid of that optimization problem, getting rid of the rankings, makes so many other design/engineering problems go away. The bots aren't the problem, the optimization problem is the problem. [0]: https://xkcd.com/810/
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I agree with you wholeheartedly. I played countless hours of the first destiny. I loved exploiting all the glitches and finding new ones. The pvp was chaotic and random. Some matches I topfragged, others bottom.I've tried going back to destiny several times over the past few years. It's too clinical. The good glitches get overnight patches. The bad ones last forever. The pvp is a non-stop sweat fest of me getting killed over and over and over and over. It just stopped being fun. I game to escape the mundane reality of my relatively poor lot in American life. As soon as I start feeling that way when playing a game it's all over. I haven't found a game since the original destiny that gives me that escape. Games like pubg, fortnite, csgo, cod, battlefield, halo, all feel the same to me. I don't like most indie games, or 3ps, and don't have the time for games like ksp, factorial, civ and can't get immersed in single player games anymore. So my options are limited. It's been good though. With virtually no games worth investing money into a PC, console, or iaps, I've broadened my social circle and learned new skills. I imagine the market is going to swing back around to cater to the coop centered gamers when they realize that middle aged families with teenaged children or older have far more disposable income than the current demographic of school aged kids and young adults.
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League of Legends doesn't seem to suffer from bots - if you don't want to believe me, check out https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/eieyz2/why... , and their regional rank system works well enough and not only useful and provide good values to the players, it is absolutely necessary at higher ranks.Likewise, AFAIK, dota2 doesn't seem to suffer much from bots, and their rank system seems to work ok. Arguably Fortnite / Overwatch / PUBG style games do suffer from aimbots, but whatever downside they bring, those games seem wildly successful. And the regional / global ranking system seems integral to their success. Given that a large number of highly successful games do have it, I don't think your argument has much of a merit - it's surely a challenge to implement them but it seems like a worthwhile problem to solve, rather than avoid, at least if your goal includes global / regional success beyond small niche.
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> Allow users to votekick and voteban.This is usually just a band aid and can be pretty ineffective in a game like Battlefield where there are a large number of players in a single match. Specifically, a cheater has to be really obvious for enough people to notice and actually care enough to cast a vote.
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If the cheater isn't obvious enough then they aren't having much worse of an effect than a really good player.But that's why I mention giving server control to users; they can experiment with their own alternative anti cheat and moderation solutions.
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I, for one, only notice when it's a real obvious cheater. And in those circumstances the perception of a fair game would go way up if we where able to ban the fool ourselves as players.
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Plus this is easily gamed - most games where voting has been enabled just had storms of vote requests being generated.Some by butt-hurt snowflakes that can't handle better players but most by explicit trolls trying to cause mayhem, spam and hopefully getting someone kicked for fun. At some point the voting gets either ignored or disabled outright.
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IMO this goes to how per-server "communities" were destroyed by the rise of new business models involving follow-on purchases.Previously (e.g. CS 1.x) you could have a loose federation of privately-run servers, with a certain amount of darwinian-selection for good or bad communities. However once GameCo starts selling exclusive skins and weapons and XP-boosters and things, they can't allow the possibility of rogue servers just unlocking everything, so everything was brought together under a corporate-hosting-only umbrella. This also destroyed the capacity to leverage volunteer admins, unless the company invested in a mechanism for "you pay we host" servers.
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TF2 managed to have private server, and was the origin of HATS. I'm not sure I see that your logic is sound.
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Only if you provide a robust and empowered support staff to quickly unban and resolve false positives. That is, actually take responsibility, which is something game developers and major publishers seem allergic to.It costs money to hire, train, and oversee said staff. Game companies don't want to spend that money.
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They would be more inclined if gamers were willing to pay the additional cost. Unfortunately they rarely are. The gaming community, especially the hard core community, is one of the most oddly-miserly communities I’ve ever seen. Some of them will spend thousands on liquid cooling and high end graphic cards, specialized input devices, etc., but balk or even rage at paying an additional few bucks over the lifetime of a game for improved features and support.
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Uh? Have you seen the price of AAA games?
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They’re flat for years. Ten years ago a premium AAA title would typically release at $49.99 to $59.99 and still have expansions and other DLC for sale.In constant dollars the retail price of top-end games is basically flat, or even lower now.
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Your argument is disingenuous.Most aaa titles have significant dlc that hardly expands the game. Gtav is an exception, and that's only because stupid/rich people whale on shark cards. Also repeat purchases from banned players. Cod is now $120/yr. Without and iaps. If you don't buy the dlc you'll have a hard timemaking friends and playing pvp. Most games are like that now. Looking at title prices is a flawed metric. A good metric total cost of all iaps. If there are unlimited purchases available then you can be sure that the game has been crippled to coerce vulnerable players into spending irrational amounts. This trend is unethical and everyone involved in allowing this to continue is no better than the sacklers.
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Games ten years ago had DLC, too. Certainly not as much but it did exist, and often was priced on par with equivalent DLC offered today.Also, it’s frequently the case that DLC today has development and maintenance costs that the base retail package simply doesn’t.
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Ten years ago it wasn't common for dlc to have unlimited purchases or even for the cumulative price to double the base cost. Now, it's rather common for games to have gambling mechanics that put a floor on the cost of time limited items that is measured in the hundreds or thousands of dollars.I have less of a problem with buying a game and its season pass for $120 than I do when I buy a game and season pass for $120 to find thousands of dollars in iaps required to get everything. This trend is disgusting and I for one have written off all companies with even a single product engaging in this. This includes Blizzard, rockstar, Microsoft's label, bungie, Activision, ea, etc. To earn my purchases they'll need to ditch all the unethical iaps and find an ethical and sustainable business model. Though I'd rather see them go bankrupt and firesale all their ip to indie studios.
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If that's the case then they can enjoy paying my refund, just like Blizzard did way back when.
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Those game companies could always exit the company-hosted company-moderated multiplayer space and go back to either privately-hosted servers or single-player games.If you can't accept the costs of central servers, don't make them an essential part of your business model.
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> Allow users to votekick and voteban. Provide the server software for players to host their own servers and provide their own solutions to these problems.If you want to see a game where that effort fails, one needs not look further than Mordhau. It's an incredibly awful community where players will initiate votekicks simply for getting killed, and cause players to get kicked/banned because the community finds overabusing the feature to be funny.
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> It's an incredibly awful community where players will initiate votekicks simply for getting killed...lol, that's nothing, expect people getting kicked for having a feminine voice.
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> Allow users to votekick and voteban. Provide the server software for players to host their own servers and provide their own solutions to these problems.How would that work in case of MMORPG with open world ? One clan would votekick competing clan? Any group votekick whoever they want? Or in case of FPS games lets vote to kick player X because he is just too good (killing us all) so he is cheating for sure? > Provide the server software for players to host their own servers and provide their own solutions to these problems. Dosen't apply for most MMO games.
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> How would that work in case of MMORPG with open world ? One clan would votekick competing clan? Any group votekick whoever they want?Checks and balances. It's a political problem at that point. MUDs had sometimes very traditional political institutions for bans/player behavior issues, and the same can directly apply to MMOs: "councils of multiple clans", for instance. You can already think of most corporations running MMOs as "BFDLs" (benevolent dictators for life) and there's good reason to ask them to add juries/trials for a more open democratic process to bans, as one common political solution to dictatorship. The same obviously goes the other direction that if players want more involvement in bans/kicks, they need structures like juries/trials to keep things transparent and to bubble up such issues as appropriate. You can't always solve political problems with technical solutions, but more importantly sometimes technical problems have good political solutions. >> Provide the server software for players to host their own servers and provide their own solutions to these problems. > Dosen't apply for most MMO games. Arguably it should. At the very least for long term archival, MMO games should feel more pressure to provide server software access to players to host their own servers. There's also a lot of interesting history associated with MMOs that had open servers (many MUDs), or reverse engineered server shards (things like various Ultima Online player-created shards). Even if most players would prefer a "canon" experience in BFDL hosted shards, that isn't necessarily a strong reason to avoid offering players a choice to host their own servers. Arguably most good MMOs hosting your own server cluster is a great amount of effort and would be A) self-limiting (only certain groups of players would have the combo of resources/interests/skills), and B) at least somewhat useful to the game owner themselves as a form of CI/CD test (if other people can reproduce your Production environment you are more resilient against possible mistakes/failures in your Production environment).
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MUDs, while wonderful, occasionally devolved into closed ecosystems where RP enforcement and opinions ended up creating a toxic community with the playerbase eventually shrinking to nothing. MUDs are amazing but I think they're a bad example to call on in this case.
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I don't know, I feel like that only mirrors/emphasizes/complements my point: yes, political solutions are hard (we still refer to the USA as a political "experiment" 200+ years on, for some good reasons), but they are possible (versus trying to handle things entirely technically that are by their own nature political; as other arguments in this thread and elsewhere point out, dealing with bad actors that are people will almost always be at least somewhat political).Political solutions can clearly fail, and that becomes another reason to allow players to run their own servers as it is an "out" in the case of a political solution failing (a different sort of resiliency to the technical sort). MUDs also have tales of successes. Times when political alliances defeated griefers and the community was stronger for it. Partly because of the relative ease of spinning up MUDs there are so many stories and experiments out there to choose from / learn from. MUDs were an early laboratory for what became MMOs in so many ways, and it will always be easier to reproduce studies done in that sort of a laboratory setting, including the failures. In science often the failures are the greatest learning experiences leading to the most interesting hypotheses.
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The false positive of someone getting kicked for being too good is a better negative outcome than the false positive of a ban, especially in an opaque system with poor support staffing and resolution processes. When users can trivially provide and administrate and experiment with their own servers, then the effect of not being able to return to the same server is lessened.>MMO games They're a different beast entirely. But in the case of battlefield, you have a capped playercount that is orders of magnitude smaller than an MMO, and much more manageable.
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You have no idea of how much a votekick system will get abused. Nobody would ever seriously consider such a system in 2020.Teammates will kick you out for stealing kills from them. Teammates will leave bots on even if they are flagrant bots if they are helping the team. Enemies will kick you out if you are too good.
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I play many games that still have vote/kick. (Most often, Insurgency). The 2 most common vote kicks are an idle player that is the last player left on a team, and the guy sniping with a 40/3 K/D ratio, and a ping of > 300ms, that doesn't respond to any chat or voice chat, etc.
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I play in custom servers for plenty of games that have vote kick and ban systems. The games themselves may be old, but the players range from fresh to old guard. Valve FPS games were / are particularly good for this.>Teammates will kick you out for stealing kills from them Then you find another server that has fostered a better community. Or even start your own. Even if the ratio of absolute mean-spirited jerks to decent players was 10:1, that's more than enough well intentioned players to foster good server communities. But I suspect the actual number is closer to a reversed amount. Obviously MMOs would be a different beast, but the type of cheating you're trying to defeat - the threat model - is often different than wallhacking autoaimers.
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Sorry, I am talking about MMOs exclusively. Some of those also have you compete not only against the enemy team but also against your own team for ranks
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Why would it be abused more today? It was not abused that much back when I played Quake 1 and Quake 2.
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I believe the loot system changes in WoW were inspired by occurrences of groups of people joining matchmaking together, then kicking a person after the boss died and taking all the stuff for themselves. I only saw this sort of behavior firsthand once or twice, but I’ve heard from others who thought it was widespread.
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And in WoW too, given how the honor rank system works, imagine if people could kick others from battlegrounds: they would kick those with higher ranks so they could climb the ranks faster themselves.
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as someone who works in the gaming industry, i think anti-cheat exists in part because of the culture of game development. every games company i have worked with has valued releasing the content they want to release above everything else – they'll request API changes and the removal of security hurdles to meet their release deadlines. crunch culture is very real.As a small, real and not at all outlier example I was asked once if the game's backend servers could establish a persistent mutual TLS connection to authentication servers so game clients wouldn't need to implement oauth / oidc, in which they'd request whatever data they wanted in essence. Multiplayer games are only a continuation of this philosophy. For quite a few games, the 'multiplayer' aspect is created by simply replicating identical game state across all clients, meaning clients end up with a ton of information the player shouldn't be able to see being beamed to their computer. most game UIs are literally flash, or embedded chrome instances that dynamically load their content from user input or straight from the web, often over unencrypted connections. These browsers also often have direct sandbox bypasses to the game engine. Making games is hard. Making games secure is something games companies don't want to invest in, and they've largely just eaten the risk with bolt-on anticheat software. Games companies are in a similar but slightly worse position than the financial industries where, due to historically not valuing security talent they can't and don't acquire it, instead opting for whatever off-the-shelf solutions, mitigations and contractors they can use to help stem the bleeding with the exception of less than a handful of household name shops. It is possible, depending on the game to take good steps to make games harder to cheat at. Dota 2, for example took steps (in their rather favourable context) to thwart cheating by not sending information to the player on objects they should not be able to see (though mistakes are made in this on a regular basis). For any other industry, such a filter would be the standard way to implement the server-client relationship but this is not a priority in game development as it stands. There's simply no other non-security software one downloads to their computer that comes with a heavy and intrusive rootkit that attempts to try to see if you're messing with it, because no other industry as wealthy or influential as gaming considers security an afterthought.
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Not sending info about objects you can’t see is a fairly standard thing to do. Not to big up the lack of security (which is a problem in some cases) but games often have to balance sending over to much information against other concerns. For example in an FPS you could theoretically determine exact visibility but tend to send everything within a certain radius because you want to avoid sending information late both because the client is predicting and a half-round trip of latency before an enemy that appeared round a corner showing up is bad for gameplay. Not to mention that you want the server to run reasonably quickly and visibility determination is expensive. Hence "ESP" hacks. Then you have the mechanical helpers like aimbots that can’t be solved easily even if you perfectly restricted data sent across the network to that which was visible. So we’re kind of stuck with invasive programs trying to spot hacks and broad strokes statistic analysis.
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There exist good solutions, but none of these companies have the competence or will to actually solve the problem. It’s security theatre a la malware. "Hey everyone install this rootkit to pretend like we’re preventing cheaters. Don’t worry about the keylogging and screenshot uploading."What’s most surprising is that the vast majority of gamers aren’t outraged by this at all, despite repeated demonstrations of untrustworthiness by anticheat companies. https://youtu.be/SnRgW54EWwA
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There is no way to solve the hacking problem, the best you can do is engage in cat and mouse games.Also games don't need to manufacture an excuse to log your actions. That's already done for analytics. No conspiracy required.
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By far, the best approach I've seen is pooling players by metrics that cause the least controversy within said pools. Ban the hackers in waves for those extra sales, ala steam. In between just match them against each other and get the popcorn. Same for griefers, tryhards, casuals, children, etc.
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Cheating is a real problem, but I don’t see why we need to solve it with what’s essentially invasive spyware. If it’s degrading the experience of other people, let them tell you about it, not your kernel hook buried deep in the computers of all your users.
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The good alternative is good matchmaking. My experience, is that cheaters usually aren't actually very good. They tend to use things like wall hacks and aim bots as a crutch. With good match making it doesn't really matter. They're going to be at your general level, so you've still got an even chance at winning the game.And if the matchmaking is really good, then all the cheaters just end up playing with themselves, and there's even less impact on the general community. I could even see people ending up in separate "augmented" tiers, and then you don't even have to feel bad for being lower ranked. In fact, you could end up with bragging rights if you end up in the augmented tier because you look like an aim bot (I've played with players that were almost indistinguishable from aim bots).
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The real solution? Send only information players are supposed to see. Sacrifice some speed for true cheat proof games.
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That wouldn't prevent commonly used cheats such as aimbots.
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Maybe the solution there is to stop making games be about the things computers are better at. They're better at aiming, fine, let them be. Put the aimbot in the game from the start.Then instead you have a FPS with multiple weapons and it takes several seconds to switch between them. One has a high rate of fire but is useless against players with armor, another is the opposite. Cheaters don't know if the opponent is wearing armor (or what kind) because the server doesn't tell them that until they're in the same room, by which point it's too late. Make certain weapons better against certain defenses, so it's a matter of predicting what your opponent will do and being ready for it. Make the humans do the things that humans are still better at, instead of trying to prevent a computer from beating them at things computers are better at.
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You can't tell people to play something else other than what they enjoy just because it'll "make cheating harder".Many of the very popular games now require good aim. Some people spend countless hundreds/thousands of hours just practicing their aim and muscle memory. It's part of the fun for them. CS:GO is a notable example. The problem isn't really that it's impossible to ban such cheating. ESEA do it pretty well in CS:GO - their anti-cheat is practically a RAT. It's that banning cheaters and making a bulletproof anticheat has two issues: 1) To do it properly you need to basically code a RAT, which has some privacy issues. If Valve do it, it could hurt activity, platform support, and be controversial. ESEA have done it since day one, but their player base is much smaller and more competitive. ESEA is also limited to Windows. 2) It's not profitable. That's the honest truth. They ban obvious public cheats and the cheaters will buy another account and come back, probably use another cheat again, get banned again, repeat. Some games don't have awful cheat protection because the company can't make a good one, they have awful cheat protection because it's not profitable to alienate all the cheaters in the game away from the platform (and their many purchases per person; legitimate players only buy once).
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We don’t even need those fancy things, just the angle of view. If someone come up behind without being seen they can still knife the player. Alternatively, the aiming would be slower if you are looking at the peripheral.
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first person/multi-player rock paper scissors.
would be an interesting game.probably family friendly. should make it.
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It doesn't even have to be that arbitrary. You've got an opponent with a defense against all your current weapons, but you can run faster than them, so you can escape but you still need to find something that can kill them. They need to find something that can make them faster so they can catch you, or take their chances by giving up the defense which is slowing them down.There can still be strategy in it without leaving any easy way to cheat.
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if your turn speed is limited and the server only send you precise enemy position information within your field of view aimbot can only help so much, having a drop in the enemy will enable better player to overcome aimbotterswar thunder does it and it works well enough. it still has other problems, like p2w vehicles, but the system is solid
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That’s already often done at some level, but doesn’t eliminate the ability to cheat via aim bots (and other similar tools). I have worked on several server authoritative multiplayer games and while they were mostly immune to common types of cheating, there are always things that people can exploit/automate to their advantage.
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This would require a hardened OS and is outside the control of the game creator.Transparent walls, for example, can be done via the graphics driver (or by replacing your graphics driver).
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No, they’re talking about writing netcode in such a way that if you report to the server that you’re in position XYZ, then it’ll cull all player-events invisible to players at position XYZ out of the event stream being sent to your client.
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I actually wonder why this isn't done.Pre-rendering the scenes on the server and then sending those is just not really possible today due to latency -- even google can't get it right with Stadia so far. But, if the game engine/server just crunched the line-of-sight numbers and didn't even send location data for rendering enemies that were out of LOS, then that would work and while it is heavier than doing nothing, it isn't really that heavy. That wouldn't stop an aimbot, but it would prevent some classes of exploits.
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It's not about server-side computation resources or bandwidth, it's about latency. If it takes 50ms to communicate your position to the server and 50ms for them to reply, that's 1/10 of a second for every position update, which is an eternity in high-level play. Netcode is really hard, anti-cheat is really hard, and mashing them together is really, really hard :)
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I think it could be possible if you structured your FPS like an MMO: build the game out of "zones" with "rooms" in them, and then clients only get pushed events for the "zone" and the "room" they're in. (Unlike an MMO, the whole map and all relevant models would always stay loaded into memory, so there wouldn't be any latency in transitioning between rooms; there'd just be a moment where you'd be outside and not see anybody, before they popped in from your perspective and you popped in from their perspective. You could cover it up with a lens flare or something.)Of course, people would then gyrate back and forth across zone/room thresholds as a way of protecting themselves, which seems obnoxious, but also seems like a very easy behavior for the server to detect and punish.
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The top-down MMOs I've played have line-of-sight fog-of-war while in caves/buildings (with limited range smaller than the screen in caves), which has the same issue. The clients have access to invisible things so they can accurately predict when they move - including when they become visible - and correct a split second later if the prediction was wrong.
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> Pre-rendering the scenes on the server and then sending those is just not really possible today due to latency -- even google can't get it right with Stadia so far.Ah, but Stadia (and Playstation Now, and Geforce Now) are trying to solve a different problem: moving all the compute to the cloud, so that the game console can be wimpy (or of a different/incompatible architecture, in PSNow's case.) If you remove that requirement—or rather, impose the requirement that the client hardware must be just as powerful as if it were running a full game—then you can do something clever by splitting the game not into "renderer on the server, frame buffer on the client" but rather into "game and projection matrix on the server; display-list renderer on the client." In other words, the server (or per-client server-side agent) would be responsible for doing all the evaluation of local physics (e.g. soft-body dynamics, constraint-resolution during rigging, etc.), lighting calculation, and all the other stuff that currently requires the client to "know stuff" about the world; and then it'd output to the client, on each tick, just a display-list—a bunch of loaded-model references, their positions in space and the positions of their rigged limbs, and the reflected-light amount on each of their polys; any temporary particles that exist for that frame, and their positions; etc. This would all be culled down to a virtual viewport. The job of the client would then just be to receive this display-list, each frame, and draw it. It would also perhaps be responsible for doing client-side visual lerps between server ticks. (Probably each rigged limb would be annotated with linear+angular velocity properties.) In other words, this would be a recapitulation of the X11 protocol, but where the primitives are 3D objects rather than 2D ones. (It'd kind of look like the protocol between games and OS display drivers, but at the same time higher-level in some ways and lower-level in others.) This would be highly bandwidth-efficient (and jitter-tolerant!) compared to what Stadia is doing. You'd probably be able to play a decent game through this on 3G, even. But you'd need a computer that could do the final rendering passes.
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Dota2 (more accurately the source2 engine) already does this. The cheats are then limited to acting on things at bot speeds instead of at human reaction speeds.
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Interesting idea that might work well for simpler games but what you call display lists on today's games can be very large. Modern video codecs are also very good, so the trade off is not as obvious as you make it seem.And even then it wouldn't stop cheating. Bots would just look for triangles drawn with enemy uniform textures (very easy if you have the display lists) and aim at them.
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> Bots would just look for triangles drawn with enemy uniform textures (very easy if you have the display lists) and aim at them.I think you missed the "viewport culling" step in the above description. The server would only be sending the client enough information to draw what's going to be on the client's screen (since that's the only information that's naturally left after that step of the rendering pipeline!) So, on any frame where another player is obscured by a wall, data about that player wouldn't be in the display-list sent to the client, any more than it would be in the image Stadia sends.
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And the during the first frame where the tiniest sliver of the enemy is visible around the edge of the wall, the bot running on the local computer will move the crosshair exactly over the visible area and shot.This is ignoring things like player shadows which are rendered separately and need polygons which are not in the visible fulcrum. Also we are both ignoring audio. Sounds like gunshots come from a specific place in the world.
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> And the during the first frame where the tiniest sliver of the enemy is visible around the edge of the wall, the bot running on the local computer will move the crosshair exactly over the visible area and shot.Well, yes, but I'd categorize that as "acts indistinguishable from theoretically-optimal human performance", rather than cheating per se. Or would you ban The Flash for cheating? > This is ignoring things like player shadows which are rendered separately and need polygons which are not in the visible fulcrum. No, not really; a shadow mesh is generated on the server, as part of the lighting step. The client then receives the shadow mesh, potentially disconnected from whatever's casting the shadow if the thing casting the shadow was culled. Just like what happens inside your GPU. > Sounds like gunshots come from a specific place in the world. In a paradigm like this, audio-cue triggers would essentially be "scripted particles" in the scene. If you can't see them, they're not rendered, so you can't hear them, either. I'm not trying to describe something here that's a lossless approximation of how the game would work if run locally. I'm describing something with real effects on gameplay balance, but potentially good ones. Mind you, I'm less picturing FPS games as the best use of this, and more picturing RTS games. Take the "fog of war" of a game like Starcraft, and implement it server-side, such that it's not the client not-rendering unexplored stuff, but the server.
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I think what the parent means is that if a player is behind a wall, don't send that player's position at all. Of course you could still have a hack which, say, visualizes sound origins.
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Unless the server truly sent only what the user is meant to see - i.e. video; no hacks can reveal more than what's in a grid of pixels.
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Transparent walls wouldn't help if the client wasn't even informed at all of players that were behind it.
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You can't replace the graphics driver in Windows unless you boot in test mode, and some games like Fortnite will refuse to run if the system is booted in test mode.
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I have a suspicion that the people who impulsively reach for cheats overlap a lot with those who impulsively reach for in-game purchases.
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I don’t know how well it’d work for FPS games, but for MMORPGs I think a lot more could be done with serverside pattern recognition. Bots and cheaters in that genre behave very differently than real players do, often to the extent that real players can identify bots out in the open world within a couple of seconds of seeing them.It’s a bit more difficult for other forms of cheating (like duping, wallhacking, etc) but still plenty doable — just create sets of rules to asynchronously sanity check every Nth player action against. No it won’t be free, but you’d likely make back the costs with happy players staying subscribed.
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The only alternative seems to be things like Stadia. ;)Users will forever have the ability (and the right) to inspect the memory on their own machine.
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You can still implement images-based aimbots. I tried for fun, in less than 30h I had a working aimbot that use deep learning to get faces positions.
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Don’t join a server without an admin. Problem solved. I wouldn’t join some random server hosted by the game publisher where there are no admins and no votebans.
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AI will save us. If a human can detect cheating by looking at the screen, it’s doable.
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Humans are notoriously bad at this. See countless examples of people claiming "hax" when they’re against a player that’s much better than them.
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Those people are not looking at the other players’ screens. CS Overwatch works by saving replays and is pretty accurate
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That's a double edged sword though. Humans being bad at telling the difference between cheating and skill is not good for training your AI to spot cheaters but at the same time it lowers the bar for how good your AI needs to be. The metric for whether or not your anti-cheat works is "whether or not humans can tell others are cheating". It doesn't matter so much if it can't identify the subtler ones if the players can't either.
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Back when I played a lot more, I would usually call it a bad day if I didn't get accused of cheating a few times.I guess it's the Dunning-Kruger effect, where players think they're a lot better than they really are, so they can't imagine how someone can be _that_ much better than them.
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This brings me back. When I used to play competitive BF2 in one of the tops clans in TWL, we'd start our thrice weekly practises by squading up in a pub server and play until we got votekicked and then switch to our private server.IDK if it's still the same these days, but in BF2, 8 people in a squad all working together and doing their role within the squad could easily roll over 32 randoms on the other team.
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cloud gaming only or enforcing signed code at the hardware level may reduce online cheating significantly.
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> enforcing signed code at the hardware levelConsoles. I dropped PC in favor of Xbox/ps and won’t go back. Just NEVER having to deal with cheaters or people that buy more expensive hardware and/or drastically lower their settings for an advantage is well worth the lower visual fidelity. I’ll take consoles because I can sit down and ENJOY the game.
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Just what we need - removing any control from the users all together & peddling trusted computing. Marvelous.
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Removing user control overlaps too much with other desired outcomes than just anti cheat.It's too profitable to not be an inevitability.
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cloud gaming has already been beaten by the cheatersbots for wow now run on a different machine to that of the game client, process the game's visual output and send inputs to the game client in the same way a human would the only way you can detect this is heuristically
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I recall facing map-hackers in BW, SC2, and WC3...it was very frustrating, but at the same time, they were generally correspondingly worse at every game mechanic. If you played a solid, standard, scouting-based, conservative style, you could beat these players despite their handicaps.On the other hand, maphackers totally counter risk-taking players who play secretive strategies like DT rush, DT drop, high-tech rushes, players who love big drops, hidden bases...players like that would get slaughtered by map hackers. So, if you l2p, you'd be able to beat them with superior skills. Can't say the same for shooters, though, those games are ruined by hackers.
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It's all based on finger printing like shitty old virus scanners (that are themselves an attack surface). I know people who get by them by writing their own programs instead of using ones found online; naming them "Google Chrome" and running them as the system user so they can read/debug game processes.
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they never reversed all of the bans for the very first WoW Wine ban waveThis is really depressing. I can't imagine working on an anti-cheat moderation team would be a pleasant job.
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I recently saw an interesting idea, put the game inside a lightweight container and give it a virtual GPU. The latency took a small but noticeable hit but you had verified code that you could verify that the game code hasn't been modified. Granted it wouldn't be perfect security since your threat model is someone with root access, but it makes the effort required to hack the game large though that it hopefully discourages some would be hackers
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Not all cheats inject code. Many cheats use a set of offsets to find game objects in memory and draw an overlay or minimap. This data can also be tied to autoaim hacks that uses mouse input directly for aiming.
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A container doesn't bring much but additional complexity.
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Is there a book (or long blog post) on the underground history of anti-cheat software & DRM? I would love to read that..
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I would be interested in this, too. I read an interesting write-up by the guy who wrote the first .dll to hook functions in some FPS, I forget if it was quake or counterstrike. Sadly I can't seem to find it, nowDetailed discussion of how cheats and anti-cheats work is somewhat lacking as all the experts on either side of the issue would prefer to keep their secrets. These days an anti-cheat team that's serious about their job will lurk cheat forums and even try to poach talent there.
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> However with EA I don’t really have utmost confidence they will pay any attention to this, so I’d guess it’s time to get loud if you want any hope of this being fixed.Or, stop buying games that are essentially rootkits...
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Some context. This is running through Wine (and DXVK, a DX9-11 → Vulkan layer) on Linux.Seems EA is doing —like a lot of very lazy anti-cheats— balls-simple stack inspection. They determine whether people are cheating by looking for known signed drivers, known hardware, known bad processes and input drivers. It's cheap and scales well but it's brainless. They have to know about a hack to detect it in the future. Version checks are constantly slackened off because legitimate updates come out all the time. Battlefield is seeing Wine and the drivers Wine reports (which are a mix of real and fake) and baulking out. It's to be expected from such plastic anti-cheat software. Many games do this. There are better options. CSGO's overwatch allows the community to self-moderate by replaying a player's gameplay. They literally record the player's input and rebuild what the player could see in the reviewer's client. Reviewer determines whether or not their gameplay was possible. It sounds hardcore but it's simple, and adds no latency because it's done after-the-fact. Makes it super-simple to detect most wall-hacks and aim helpers. So why isn't it everywhere? Logging data costs money. And EA, for all their moneybags are cheapskates. And you could automate this. You could do a server-side render to determine whether or not a user is tracking players that are not physically visible to the player, or tracking impossibly tight hitboxes, or is triggering massive killcounts far too regularly (ie exploiting a bug). But that's more money. But I'd expect a better response shouting into the wind than asking EA to be better. They're a trash company.
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You are also comparing two different games in terms of popularity.CS:GO is usually in the top 3 of most popular games on steam. Last time I checked, it was number 1. I would be surprised if Battlefield V has a quarter of the amount of players (across all platforms) versus CS:GO (which is just on PC). I am not trying to make excuses for EA (Which has been nothing but a trash fire of a company for the last few years), but how could they justify putting those kind of resources behind a game like BFV?
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CSGO is absolutely a bigger game, and there's money in it but I don't think BF's smaller scale would hinder efficacy at all. It takes a tiny fraction of players to review suspicious actions and collectively remove players from the community. This scales pretty linearly with your player count. From dozens, to millions.Doing nothing, or doing the wrong thing has atrocious effects on the community. Just read some of the other threads in this post. Seasoned players who wait weeks for flagrant cheaters to be removed. It kills a game quickly. Maybe that's actually what EA wants.
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Saving the replay costs data though. It’s not only the reviewing.
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Not much data. You don't need to save actual videos, the server already has all the data so there's no network cost, and you don't need to store the data for very long. Developer cost to implement the feature would far outstrip the cloud costs.
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Actually, CS:GO is also on Xbox 360!
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Fortnite fails to launch due to anti cheat on the windows insider build. Though at least it fails to launch instead of resulting in an account ban.It also doesn’t launch on Linux for the same reason. Is at least a touch more user friendly than getting bans I guess.
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> CSGO's overwatch allows the community to self-moderate by replaying a player's gameplay. They literally record the player's input and rebuild what the player could see in the reviewer's client.That's literally wrong, the gameplay you see in OW is not based on recorded inputs of the player's client. You are watching a demo recorded by the server, which does not match the PoV of the player precisely. The demos are also 32 tick, which makes it hard to tell if the aiming of the player is legit [1], unless they are very blatant about it. Due to interpolation and lag compensation the PoV that the player saw is not what you see in the server's demo. If you record the player's PoV using screen capture and compare it to the demo recorded by the server, there are subtle and sometimes relevant differences. tl;dr OW is only there to catch obvious cheaters. [1] Because the server runs at 64 tick, but the demo is only 32, the crosshair snaps every time a shot is taken. The aim of everyone looks way snappier and suspicious in a 32 tick demo compared to their PoV.
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Change "player's input" to "player's input to the server" and it checks out :)
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Since tools like DXVK (and ReShade on Windows) can allow people to see through walls, I would expect Valve to ban them, too. Even if they are not used in any blatantly obvious way, e.g. by shooting someone you shouldn't be able to see, they still give the cheating player a large advantage by letting them know where on the map the enemies are.
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Except that Valve develops and promotes Proton for running Windows games on Linux, which also uses DXVK and other tools.
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Maybe Valve will then whitelist the DXVK binaries that they themselves provide. But compiling DXVK from source will surely result in a ban because there's just no way to check what has or hasn't been added to the drivers.
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I'd expect the same, especially given Valve's multiplayer games run natively on Linux ;)To be honest, other than having better communication on the issue, I'm not sure how I'd handle this one differently than EA...
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I'm part of a Battlefield V community and the state of anticheat on this game is absolutely horrific. We see players blatantly cheating for weeks, sometimes even months without getting banned. This has made one of the game modes (Firestorm) almost unplayable and drove most players away from this mode.The shocking part is that we've compiled a list[1][2] of 380+ cheaters with video proofs and we've transmitted this list to some DICE community managers and employees. For a few months they checked this list from time to time and banned the offending people but they stopped looking at it entirely since around summer. We've tried to get in touch with other people but without any success. The whole community is outraged by the apparent lack of care given to the cheating issues, and the fact that they seem to ignore all the reports made by the players through the platform Origin. [1] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/172J_dqCTZpDpOBbhgvtT... [2] https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmXAY-Q-QrfflsHrFX...
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They dont care now the game is out, they are working on the next one. And will expect you to buy that one before its even finished.
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We handle cheating in our Battlefield 1942 server by requiring players to submit their public IP to admins to be explicitly whitelisted. There have been numerous cheaters and trolls we have easily banned over the years.
http://ea117.com/access gets 20 players/night at 7PM..
It plays the "desert combat" mod — the makers of that mod were acquihired by DICE.
It’s also really easy to reinstall... http://www.mediafire.com/file/v2dj55nwoxz84o8/BF1942DCF_setu....
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Are player IP addresses stable enough to be used in this way? I've always considered my own IP to be dynamic, despite rarely changing.
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>When your router receives a non-static DHCP assigned IP address from your ISP there is a pre-defined time limit built into the assignment, this time limit is called a DHCP Lease. The typical lease time for ISP’s in the United States is roughly 7 days. However in most instances your router will renegotiate this lease prior to its expiration. During the lease renegotiation, it is very common for the same IP to be reassigned to your router. In fact our research has discovered many homes that have theoretically dynamic IP’s, but have held the same IP for multiple years. Because of this recursive reassignment the typical location targeted by El Toro has held the same IP address for 7 months.https://www.eltoro.com/how-long-does-an-ip-address-stay-atta... It seems a typical location has the same ip address for around 7 months and can indeed have the same address for far longer if your service isn't interrupted, you don't change or reboot networking hardware, and you don't try to connect to the game from your laptop at your friends house.
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No, they're not stable.My current ISP in the UK and my previous one in France are changing IPs every few weeks or so in practice, or when the box is rebooted, or when the connection is lost for a while between the box and the ISP. The game server would prevent many (most?) players by whitelisting IPs, but I bet they couldn't care less about blocking players or they wouldn't require whitelisting in the first place.
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I assume you can't log in using a user/pass in that server, that's why they use IP addresses. But you could have a web interface where you can log in, and that would communicate with the game server to add your current IP to the whitelist.
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I've had the same v4 address with ATT for over a year. It's technically possible for a dhcp server to deny a renew and have the client initiate a discover to be given a different IP but in practice that would break everyone's active connections each time so ISPs just let DHCP renew until you stop asking.For something with the user population of a community game server you could also allow the full subnet and probably never run into a user collision.
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People are still playing the original BF ? Is Eod still being played ? Might be worth digging up the disc for an evening :-).
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Yup. I'm in a gaming group, several members are modders and we have weekly "operations" every Saturday, complete with briefings, de-briefings, intelligence gathering...we get kinda ridiculous with it but yup
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People are still playing half life 2 deathmatch.
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People are still playing half life 1 deathmatch.
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Aren't people still playing quake?
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I'm still playing Quake 3 CPMA, so I guess people are still playing Quake, and Doom, and maybe even the original Wolfenstein 3D.
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There is still a (small) competitive community around DOOM's deathmatch
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...you're still playing Desert Combat? Holy shit. I might have to join
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I hope I can dig out my discs! By the way, the installation guide is super helpful. I haven't considered playing bf1942 for a long time and the detailed instructions on how to get everything running again is fantastic.I haven't been this excited to play an old game in quite a while.
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This should be no surprise if you played the previous games in the series. I can only assume that it’s a high level business decision at EA to not do anything about cheaters.The only way to play the game is on a server with admins in the game 100% of the time, or at least votebans.
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>sometimes even months without getting bannedThats intentional. Companies let detected hacks slide silently and then do waves of mass bans to prevent hackers working out what exactly triggered the ban. That cat and mouse game has moved well beyond a simple "omg why can't ea ban this obv hack"
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DICE doesn't just use FairFight obviously. They have their own in-house solution, also used by some other EA games.And TBH you're complaining about 380 people which is a drop in a bucket compare to the number of players on that game, yes cheating sucks but I can assure you there are people actively working on that problem at DICE.
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Incorrect, FairFight is their in-house solution and this is the only tool that they use client-side for Battlefield V[1]. They've dropped the third-party PunkBuster anticheat tool since Battlefield 1.Other EA games use other anticheat tools for example Apex Legends uses Easy Anti-Cheat[2], which is much more efficient to track and ban cheaters. > And TBH you're complaining about 380 people which is a drop in a bucket compare to the number of players on that game The Firestorm mode has so few players now (I estimate 3-10 games running in parallel in the world depending on the time) that it has a huge negative impact on the game. You only need 1 cheater in a game to ruin it for everyone else. [1] https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-5/news/anti... [2] https://www.easy.ac/en-us/
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You don't know what you're talking about, FairFight is a third party solution that EA pays for but it's not the only anticheat technology used by DICE.
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You're asking EA to devote hundreds of thousands of dollars of resources to maintaining a game mode that apparently only a few thousand people engage with now. I know it sucks for the people dealing with cheaters, but from a resource-allocation perspective it makes a lot more sense to focus on new games and (I assume) Battlefront 2.
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Ah, the American politician strategy.> Sure we defunded it, but look how crappy it is! Nobody uses it! Guess we don't need it.
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How is this an american strategy?
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I’m sure it’s not uniquely American. It’s just a standard strategy for the GOP. Defund, then complain regulation doesn’t work and deregulate or allow regulatory capture.
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Maybe, but the other side of the coin is "it's not working, so let's just blame lack of funding", irrespective of if there is actually enough funding to do something worthwhile or not. The goals are always nebulous and allows both sides to complain.
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No. What you're talking about is deliberately ignoring evidence generated by an anti-cheat so it has time to catch more playersThere are no circumstances where it makes sense to ignore player-submitted video proof of cheating. This should always be acted on quickly to reassure legitimate players and scare cheaters off. Cheaters know there are different ways to get banned. When one gets caught rage-hacking (abusing cheats in a flagrant manner, without any effort to conceal their cheating) and they return to warn the hive, all it does is discourage other cheaters from rage-hacking. Very few cheaters will do something that they know will get them banned quickly
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A curious idea, act on user submitted data or not. A recent reddit post[0] in their classic wow has a video linked where a group decided to take down known and obvious bot driven players that have been reported many times.So they used in game mechanics that abused how the bots are known to operate; where certain dialog boxes pop and how they move and react to threats; to force the bot to join a group, accept being teleported, and then they sacrificed another of the groups score to drag down the bots score. the current comment thread includes the cynic but likely true claim that blizzard would ban these players for harassment before banning the bot for cheating/breaking eula [0] https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/ej3l10/because_...
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> There are no circumstances where it makes sense to ignore player-submitted video proof of cheating. This should always be acted on quickly to reassure legitimate players and scare cheaters off.And if the net result of that strategy is that it catches many fewer cheaters? That wouldn't make much sense, and the community, far from being reassured, would be more frustrated because they would encounter many more instances of cheating that occurred because players were able to deduce the loop holes. You have to balance "catch the most cheaters" vs. "catch cheating immediately". Especially when it may take many instances of suspicious behavior to make a confident decision to ban.
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The net result would be that there is less blatant cheating, since that form is quickly found, which seems like a good outcome? Cheating that is only suspected is not at all as bad for the game experience, which is what matters.
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>NoYes. Google it. All the major companies do hax bans in wave patterns. Valve, blizzard etc >There are no circumstances where it makes sense to ignore player-submitted video proof of cheating. Agreed. Not sure why you're bring it up though. I wasnt talking about user submitted anything???
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>>Not sure why you're bring it up though. I wasnt talking about user submitted anything???Then, respectfully... what did you think you were responding to? That's pretty much entirely what the OP & thread are about :-)
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>what did you think you were responding to?The part I was quoting. OP wrote multiple paragraphs. I mean we can argue about whether "the state of anticheat on this game is absolutely horrific" refers to automated or reports but given article I was pretty certain the section I quote was automated. Anticheat is generally not understood to mean manual reports as best as I can tell. Its the well anticheat software Besides the Linux bans are probably not user reports Driven..
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>I wasnt talking about user submitted anythingThe OP you responded to was talking about that. That's the context of the conversation. Of the cheaters not getting banned; of those bans not happening in waves. >The shocking part is that we've compiled a list[1][2] of 380+ cheaters with video proofs and we've transmitted this list to some DICE community managers and employees
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This whole thread is like a bad case of broken telephones and one guy seems to be getting the bad end of the down vote stick.1. Person A talks about submitting videos of hackers and being ignored.
2. Person B says that "detected hacks" are acted on in waves as part of arms race with hackers, says nothing of "user-submitted", instead generalizes about "detected hacks".
3. Person C gets uppity about companies ignoring hacks, irrespective of the potentially-valid reason as mentioned by person B.
4. Person B insists that the bans happens in waves. Says he wasn't talking about "user-submitted" stuff as he was talking in generalities.
5. Person D jumps in says "thread is absolutely about user-submitted stuff". I paraphrased and generalized too for a bit of dramatic effect, but the thread is definitely broken and if someone stares at it for a bit, they would probably see how it went bad and that probably no one is technically wrong. 6. Person E jumps in with meta-commentary about the discussion that led to this point.
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> Companies let detected hacks slide silently and then do waves of mass bans to prevent hackers working out what exactly triggered the ban.The problem with this strategy is that it virtually guarantees that cheaters will get to have multiple months of fun before they get banned. Discouraging someone from doing a destructive behavior requires preventing it when it happens. You need consistent, immediate enforcement. If you get banned the same day you start cheating, then that's a discouragement. If you're guaranteed a few months of fun on an alt account, then that's an encouragement.
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Idk if I agree with this. When I think of ban waves I instantly think of CSGO, and the ban waves mean nothing. IDK what data they have collected and what specific things they mitigate before triggering a ban wave, but it's completely ineffective. People are spin botting in MM lobbies the very same day as a ban wave. Especially with Valve where they rarely if ever auto-ban and rely heavily on user-reported cheats and Overwatch where actual community members vote (which is already very imperfect because you don't retain audio to know what calls are made and the tick rate of GOTV makes things look sketch that maybe aren't).I could see waiting to ban a wave of people if you also release an update that addresses the exploit being used. But I don't know that I have ever seen that be the case. The hacks that existed before the ban wave are often equally effective if not the same exact cheats as the ones being used after the ban wave. The author updates a bit of detection bypass code, and they are done. So if it's intentional, it's not a very effective methodology in my experience.
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> Thats intentional.It isn’t. An anticheat that bans months late is as good as no anticheat at all.
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It "could" be intentional.You don't know.
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I can only comment on this from the perspective of a very active Battlefield 1 and 5 player, the current use of cheats is pretty much an epidemic right now on all of the PC servers. There are cheat programs that you can use on the Windows clients, carpet banning based on what OS you are using is totally the wrong approach here and continues to show EA & DICE have no handle on this.Instead of doing this, they should just add a vote to kick feature on the servers which would solve a lot of the frustration.
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> they should just add a vote to kick feature on the serversWish this was more common. Seems to work well in all the games I've played with this feature.
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It also tends to get abused against really good players. Servers need more active admins.
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Team Fortress 2 is going through a nasty bot invasion right now (mostly on EU servers) and the community has been using the vote kick in a very good manner.Most cheaters/bots are really easy to spot since they don't even try to be sneaky about it. You will see their view port instantly change, they never miss a shot, their cross hair always stays on a player model even behind wall, ... Most people recognized the difference between a cheater and a good player fairly easily. It is even more blatant in a game like TF2 were most shots are actual projectile and not hitscan which mean that most cheater use a specific class/load out that is compatible with a basic aimbot. Another way to see it is with cosmetics. Most cheater use throwaway account, they don't want their account with valuable items getting banned, so they only rock the basic cosmetics. All of these combined make it so that I never saw an actual good player getting kicked. I don't know if Battlefield V has similar system, but making player care more about their account actually provide a good filter for this kinds of situations.
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> Most cheaters/bots are really easy to spot since they don't even try to be sneaky about it.This could very well be a case of selection bias. I think there is a significant portion of cheaters who just want to get a leg up, rather than ragehack and pwn everyone. When I was 13 trying to play CS, for example, I used a multihack with crappy 'humanizing' aimbot and wall/esp hacks. I could still barely get a kill, but it changed my gameplay experience from "run across them map, instantly die, wait for next round" to something a little more fun. I actually feel like it improved my gameplay because I could learn what to expect from other players, what routes and timings were common, faster than I could through regular play. Of course, now I would just watch demos / pro play to get the same value.
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What I always did since cs 1.6 is, follow the best player and don't get in their way. They know the map layouts better than anyone. You don't have to cheat to kick it.
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That and you're actively helping/backing-up an already skilled player. The definition of teamwork. Everyone plays a role, and they don't necessarily have to be rockstars to do it.
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Vote kick is only effective against cheaters that make it obvious. For the 5% of cheaters that are more subtle about it, there's a good chance their team won't vote to kick them. And since the TF team disabled spectating players, confirming that a player is skilled vs cheating is nearly impossible right now.Thankfully, the number of cheaters (in US) is low enough that I can requeue if things get out of hand. Hopefully it stays that way.
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When they become indistinguishable then it isn't so much of a problem anymore. Because there's no effective difference to you, the other player, between the opponent being a cheater and the opponent being really good. When they're hard, but beatable.This goes out the window when there are tangible rewards for winning a match, both getting killed, etc.
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That is not abuse. The vote kick feature is not an "anti-cheat" mechanism only, it is a general self-admin. If the rest of the players feel that someone's presence is not fun, they will vote kick that someone. It could be because they are a cheater, it could be because they are much more skilled and outplay everyone else or it could be the opposite where they are unskilled and burden the team they end up on.A really good player can find a server where they can compete at their skill level instead of repeatedly noob-stomping others. A new player can find a server with other low skill players where they can compete at their skill level without being a dead weight.
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I tried to play "Sea of Thieves" and gave up entirely after about an hour. They have a feature where the majority can vote to send someone to the brig, where you can't do anything, except apparently drown if your teammates sink the ship. Then you get to come back to life, in the brig still. I never even got a chance to play the game, so there was no reason to vote me out other than just to troll. And this happened repeatedly with every crew I was matched up with.There may be valid cases for these "vote to kick" features, but they do get blatantly abused as well. I don't think they're a good replacement for more intelligent matchmaking.
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Servers would have more admins if players could run their own servers.
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If the rest of the players think they'd have more fun if a really good player left, that's working as intended.
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In the ancient Athenian democracy, they had the ostracism [1]: once a year they could hold a vote and whoever got more votes was sent to exile for 10 years. No bad feelings, shaming, etc., they simply had to go, because people just though the city would be better without them. I think this mechanism would work as well for game servers.[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ostracism
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Was going to say this. I recall getting regularly booted from Day of Defeat games for alleged cheating. Nope, I just happened to be pretty dang good at that game.
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In my experience, it generally turned out those "really good" players were taking advantage of a glitch, and were kicked for that.. not for being really good. (server rules generally have a "no glitching" rule). Again, this is all anecdotal experience
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I'm curious which games you've played wit this feature and how did it generally work?This was abused by players in Rainbow 6 Siege imo, though I don't think it would be useful if it were implemented the same way in BF5. Siege plays similar to a search-and-destroy gamemode where you only get one life, and once you die, you spectate your team (and can watch cameras for them and call out). Iirc, only teammates can kick a player, so you would often get the least skilled person kicked as opposed to a cheater (unless the cheater was the last person alive and obviously cheating). This system wouldn't be useful in BF/COD style games because of the respawning ability. But the opposite way where the enemy team can vote to kick someone out of your team also is ripe for abuse. Imo, there is no easy and fair solution that bypasses existing centralized anticheat mechanisms because you generally can't tell if your teammates are cheating as you're not often spectating them, and letting the enemy team have the sole voice to kick someone isn't going to work.
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I grew up during the Doom 1 era, Quake, CS1.3+, etc and IIRC most if not all had vote kicks before p2p servers and removing server browsers became a thing (I'll probably wind up listing a game that didn't have vote kicking, it's been a long time). I used to admin some game servers. You'd occasionally have vote kick trolls but honestly that caused a lot less drama than keeping a toxic-player/cheater around who would eventually drain the server of players. If the servers ever drained we'd have to throw in bots just so people would even join it again and nobody wants that. We had to do a LOT of IP bans of problem players and occasionally we'd block entire ISPs.The best thing about these systems was servers would build communities that would self-admin and deal with the drama, for instance Tactical Gamers TF2 servers were my favorite place to play by far. I don't consider vote kicking to be some fantastic anti-cheat mechanism and the developers still need to provide a lot of support in that area but it definitely helps bridge the gap between reporting cheats and the cheat vectors being closed (if they ever are). edit: I've only done this on PC games. No idea how well this works in the console community.
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The secret there is that vote kicking wasn't the real anti-cheat method, only the delivery. The real anti cheat was the friends we made along the way. Healthy server communities were a treasure back in the day, and functioned as a more compassionate, involved anti-cheat system.
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Spot on with what I had in mind when making my comment. I suppose this doesn't work nearly as well with matchmaking systems where you don't have a community like you commonly did back in the day
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I've never seen a vote to kick system actually function for the purpose of banning disruptive players. For instance, if only one vote can be conducted between rounds, then all the cheater has to do is be the first to pick some random schlub and try to get them kicked.
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I haven't done much online gaming in a while, but I remember vote-to-kick most often being successfully invoked for stuff like people logging on then immediately spamming messages or abusing voice chat. The vote call was swift and the kick a certainty. They'd be gone in seconds.
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>perspective of a very active Battlefield 1 and 5 player, the current use of cheats is pretty much an epidemic right nowIs it? I'm playing a lot of both too and hacking seems largely in control. Some games have them sure but it's not common enough to be disruptive Then again I spent a fair bit of time on unofficial cod4 servers so my idea of widespread hax is different lol
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I've actually been playing a lot on the more private servers (TSC and Salty noobs on the east coast) which have some active admins, but we still get cheaters once in a while and it does cause some frustration for a couple of maps before someone jumps in and kicks them. But if I jump on any of the [DICE] servers I always run into one or two after a couple maps. This is all anecdotal obviously (but I'm talking about situations where the whole server is complaining in chat, and actively spectating them, not being a sore loser). It's an epidemic enough to where you get people like jackfrags making videos on it. I would agree though that BFV seems to have the hacking under more control recently, but BF1 is still largely chaotic.
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We handle cheating in our Battlefield 1942 server by requiring players to submit their public IP to admins to be explicitly whitelisted. There have been numerous cheaters and trolls we have easily banned over the years.http://ea117.com/access gets 20 players/night at 7PM.. It plays the "desert combat" mod — the makers of that mod were acquihired by DICE. It’s also really easy to reinstall... http://www.mediafire.com/file/v2dj55nwoxz84o8/BF1942DCF_setu...
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A white list solution seems rather extreme, although white listing keyhashes might be a bit better, you can even hand out cd-keys and verify in a cryptographicly secure way server side that the client has the cd-key you've assigned.Using VPN detection techniques on TGE has really helped a great deal without having to jump all the way to white listing.
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Installing today! Thanks for these links, I haven't played that game in 10 years
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Are you looking for new players?
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Man that's really rough. I've been playing BF1 on XBox and there aren't any significant cheating issues that I've seen.
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It's exactly the same in GTA 5. PC servers are a cheatfest, a complete joke, while console servers are fine.
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I play BF 1, Salty Noob servers seem to have fewer cheats because the server admins responds. The DICE servers are crap though. Auto-aim, invisibility, etc. Frustrating.
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I think the title is misleading. They are not permanently banning Linux players. Some Linux players with a certain set of software installed are being banned. They’re opening cases with EA. One person confirmed their was case was not overturned and their ban stands.The players banned are using Lutris, a third party game launcher which is likely against the TOS. I most certainly it don’t agree with EA, but there’s more color than flat out Linux bans. EDIT: it also looks like they’re using dkvs, the vulkan gl implementation which allows users to swap shaders which would obviously constitute cheating. Probably they caught some cheaters using dkvs, added it to the list of disallowed software without fully understanding what it was and now it’s flagging a lot of false positives.
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Rant ahead:I gave up gaming on a PC in 2013 and decided to get a PS3 instead. I did this because I got fed up with the constant upgrades (OS, drivers, game patches, etc..) that sometimes required me to spend a few hours of maintenance to play games. The only game I owned in that PS3 system was BF3! I played BF3 in the PC up until the level 70s so you probably have an idea how much fed up I felt to give up. I feel like BF3 is the peak of the franchise. It was executed nicely in the PC as well as other console platforms. I was afraid the graphics quality would dip too much in the PS3 comparing to the PC but realize the decline is justified giving the fact that I don't have to constantly upgrade sht. BF4 on the PS4 was a-okay. BF1 is just meh. BF5 is an abomination. Having played BF since 1942 in the early 2000s I am not a BF novice. But, BF5 is the worst of all. Then, I switched to Modern Warfare 2019. Sure, the maps are smaller with 6v6 multiplayer. But, comparing to BF5 I don't have to wait 5 minutes in the lobby to play a game. And when I want to leave the game, it doesn't take another 5 minutes. The most important thing is with MW2019, I feel fun playing with my limited time available for gaming. With BF5 I feel like fing work and not playing game.
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BF 5 is awesome on PC, especially with the Pacific maps. It definitely has some issues and a lot of people hated the 5.2 patch, but they seem to be trying to address them. I've never had an issue finding a server
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I'll never understand why people still buy EA products. They're easily among the most anti-consumer of all companies. Between their Origin client, microtransactions in AAA games, yearly releases with no appreciable changes and now shit like this I could never buy a product from them.
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I enjoy the games. It is as simple as that. They are fun to play and you don’t need to buy the MTXs to enjoy the game despite multiple people crying about them.Games are also more and more expensive to develop so you kind of need to add MTX to the AAA games to cover the costs, especially when BFV didn’t have any DLCs. It is not 2000’s anympre.
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Shouldn't really dismiss the people complaining as they are forcing EA to be less horrible to you whether you purchase the MTX or not.> Some gamers calculated that it would take six years of playing two hours a day to unlock all the features in Battlefront II without handing over any real money. Paying for everything, meanwhile, would cost over $2,000. https://money.cnn.com/2017/11/16/technology/battlefront-ii-s...
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They find the game fun, I suppose. I still really love Fifa and will keep playing it
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The most amazing thing is that after all of this hullabaloo... a good number of these frustrated players will still purchase a Battlefield 6 game.
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Just reading through these comments, I had no idea the current state of PC gaming. Just so I have this right, you pay for a game, but you are running the entire thing locally, so your machine knows everything. Like, people behind walls, it can auto aim at people who aren't, etc. So, now you are also forced to install these spyware-like sidecars to the game that monitor you and try to figure out if you are doing any of this?What a nightmare. I have huge cleanliness issues with my machines. I don't even like using anything that needs an installer to run, and tend to run things I don't totally understand and trust in VMs. I don't think I could do this.
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Games are very un-'clean'. They can stop working just a few years after release and they don't support any kind of developments in the platform (framerate limits, resolution limits, OS support). Understandable, there's no financial reason to support a game that won't sell anymore, except they're also hostile to passionate users who would do it themselves if things were opened up a bit.
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Exactly my thoughts as well.This year I'm celebrating 20 years of being Game Free, after almost flunking out of college freshmen year due to an addictive spell of Ultima Online. Sometimes I happen across videos of what games look like today, totally blows my mind, and I get the urge to indulge a little bit. Then I read stories like this and feel completely elated.
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> So, now you are also forced to install these spyware-like sidecars to the game that monitor you and try to figure out if you are doing any of this?I'm pretty sure the anti-cheat is just a library/module/etc. that's installed with the game. I can't imagine that it's a completely separate program that you install (unless it happens to be the game launcher).
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Some anticheats are separate binaries/executables. Punkbuster and maybe Blizzard's Warden and its successor. They're usually packaged with the game, but run separately.They often run when the game is inactive.
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Is there any more details than a couple people being banned complaining in a forum post? Cause this looks like textbook posts by people who were caught cheating.
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It's probably similar to Bungie banning people playing on Linux. They count Proton/Wine as an emulator, and playing the game through an emulator is a bannable offense. The store page mentions nothing about this though, so people would try to play on Linux, get banned, and not even be able to play on Windows any more.https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/dcu7pb/bungie_will_p...
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Definitely this.It's hard to extrapolate from 10 posts by a few people who claim they weren't cheating all the way to "permanently banning Linux players".
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I visited major bank websites on Linux but I couldn’t login and got the error "agent not supported". Why do banks prevent logins from Linus even though I am using Google Chrome. Can someone please tell why this happens.
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Game community is needing a KYC-type solution. That would require tying accounts to real identities, and if someone performs way above the field, his account is temporarily suspended, until he/she visits the authorized verification center where gaming skill can be verified by a neutral party. If a gamer can prove his skill, an account is unsuspended.
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Uh a privacy nightmare (giving out your identity to a random, unaccountable company to be able to play a game? Yay what a splendid idea!) and perfect recipe for killing the game, because now you aren't punishing cheaters but anyone who is playing better than the others (for whatever reason).So players are actually motivated to play at a mediocre/average level instead of trying to get better, because then they could stick out of the crowd and get punished/hassled. What a wonderful thing to incentivize ... facepalm
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I really doubt that is worth it at anything less than the professional level. Too much friction for customers, too costly for companies to run, and too little at stake. At the professional level everything is already done in person anyways.
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The Battlefield series is a fantastic lesson in product development, especially BFV the most recent edition.[1]: Despite being a very popular franchise and BF5 being a very popular theme (WW2) the game was received negatively from its very first trailer, in part due to a sudden focus on cosmetics and shirking of historical accuracy. [2]: Vitriol over the trailer lead to twitter drama where the executives among other things told players not to buy the game if they didn't like it. [3]: The development team defined a release schedule of drip feeding content over the next few years for free, instead of paid DLC. This sounds great to the user until you realize funding for future content will be predicated on launch success. [4]: BF5 announced Firestorm, a battle-royale game mode which would be embedded inside the BF5 game. This would be the first BR mode in the series and would have the largest map ever made for a battlefield game. This mode and map would be developed by an additional studio and not eat into the development time of the original game [5]: The game flopped at launch, EA was already having a horrific Q3 that year. The game launched with a large number of bugs, server crashes, and very few initial multiplayer maps. [6]: Immediately after launch there was a large number of game balancing issues which the community and the game developers disagreed as to its cause. Eventually they got it right a few months later. [7]: 5 months after launch Firestorm (the BR mode) released. It was a pretty interesting experience but guffawed in several key categories for a Battle-royale game, including horrific user interfaces and looting systems. [8]: In order to fix issues with the initial launch of firestorm, Dice diverts resources from the main development team to work on the BR game mode. [9]: Firestorm begins to lose player count, leading to very long queue times for players trying to play a game. [10]: The rate of post-launch content (especially new maps) was slower than any battlefield game ever. [11]: Unsolicited, the game developers rebalance many key weapons leading to the same large game balancing issues which has been "fixed" a year ago [12]: Cheating issues, huge thematic settings of WW2 left out of the game, a near dead Firestorm mode, and now we can have a thread like this ------- My final take away is that this game could have been a 10/10 but was a 5/10 and a sign that publishers like EA really suck the life out of every product line they touch.
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Great summary - thank you
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I genuinely do not understand why cheating in video games is not taken more seriously. If you go and disrupt 200 paying customers at a movie, you'll be kicked out and everyone will get refunded if your behavior is bad enough.But if you cheat in a video game and ruin the experience for potentially millions of paying customers? You might, MAYBE, get banned in a few months as part of a ban wave, but not after making thousands of dollars.
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As long as DXVK allows people to replace shaders, EA has to treat DXVK like a cheat tool.Replacing shaders is what people use to do shady things like wallhacks, outlining moving enemies, or providing targeting data for aimbots.
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Or they could just take a screenshot and check if it looks right?
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Many cheating tools actually render to a secondary back-buffer. Much more convenient for the cheater, because they can even live-stream their play and everything will look clean.It's usually not that difficult to hook the DirectX binding calls to bind an additional G-buffer, because games tend to do render to multiple G-buffer targets already for things like post-processing reflections, depth of field or motion blur. Then you patch the shaders to write the info you want/need to your new G-buffer. The game will continue to work with its (unmodified) G-buffers while you can work with your (invisible to the game) private buffer. In a gist, that's how you invisibly collect aimbot hitboxes using DXVK. The last step then would be to smoothly nudge the player's aim onto your detected hitbox. Depending on how you do that, it may or may not be detect-able, not even to onlookers. So the only real protection is to block the data collection in the first place, which means you need to block any kind of virtualization and any kind of 3rd party graphics API drivers, such as home-compiled DXVK binaries.
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couldn't a cheater intercept their own client with a man-in-the-middle-attack, pull out the data like player positions and stuff, and simulate the game on another PC?you could even do aimbot by finding the client's input packets and replacing them. i suppose if the game's connection was encrypted or something you would still need to access the client PC's memory
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Cheats detect that and change things back just before the screenshot is executed.
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I am more impressed that it's actually possible to run BF5 on Linux well enough to be able to log into a multiplayer game.
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Wine has come a long way in the last few years, in large part thanks to DXVK (translates DX11 to Vulkan) and Valve funding and pulling together a few Wine related projects. The vast majority of offline Windows games run well on Linux these days, even a lot of high end AAA games often run well on launch day with a relatively minor hit to performance.Online multiplayer games are the exception, for this very reason here - anti-cheat systems. Since these are designed specifically to make sure the game is running in the exact way they were built, and often are very intrusive in looking at what's running on your system, Wine is unsurprisingly seen as something "not normal". Most games with anti-cheat won't start at all or won't let you into the online servers - this is the case with EAC and BattlEye, which are the most widely used anti-cheat these days.
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Valve's compatibility layer, Proton, is pretty freaking amazing for even very recent games on steam; but, it often fails when the game is administered by additional layers of DRM or another store's launcher. I bought and exclusively played Sekiro on linux from launch day without any issues, but have trouble with Age of Empires Definitive Edition.
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I have a friend who plays most PC games on his Linux machine - we even play a weekly Divinity 2 session together and he runs the client on Linux, discord in his browser, and it's virtually identical to other windows-running players.
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Some businesses targeting the mainstream market seem to actively sabotage users on minority platforms. I wonder how much they get paid by Microsoft.
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Challenge for Linux users, make an open source better anti-cheat for Linux than in Windows that connects to the Linux kernel through a kmod to inspect the whole stack.Then Linux would be a better gaming platform than Windows. In many ways it is already better.
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Wouldn't help here, this is a Windows game being run under wine.
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I wish I understood better how anti-cheat works. When anti-cheat software gets flagged while running on linux, is the cause of the flag a viable route for other cheats? I'm so unfamiliar with the mechanics of anti-cheat that I'm not even sure if I'm asking a proper question.
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The way I understand it (which isn't that well either tbh) is that most modern anti-cheat softwares run off of some Hardware ID (HWID). An amalgam of ids from your GPU, CPU, OS, Mac adress, and so on... that are somehow combined or hashed into some uniquely identifying ID. This is a bit harder to spoof than an IP address ban. And most are robust to gradual changes. Like Theseus' ship, if you change your GPU one day, OS the next, and so on... is it the same computer you should ban? Most HWIDs generated by games won't change until a certain number of those variables are messed around with.Once again, I'm no expert but I think that's at least helpful.
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This is called hardware banning and is not "super" common in the PC world, usually they just ban accounts. I know overwatch does this HW bans, but no VAC protected game does.Consoles generally ban by HW I believe.
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I'm pretty sure the mechanics of the anti-cheat are kept obscure to prevent cheat makers from adding anti-anti-cheat tech to their product.
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They are but get promptly reverse engineered by modders and hack developers. Many of the core techniques remain the same.
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Pretty much this, its intentionally kept as a blackbox.
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Some solution are a blackbox to the game development team (and run as a post process during the game link or as a separate executable monitoring the game and system).There is a huge and lucrative economy around cheat development that encourages a fair amount of paranoia from game developers.
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Many of the common tools used for cheating in FPS games create an in-game overlay used to provide the cheater with a UI for the cheat and to render hidden information (e.g. wallhacks) in the game world. This is often done by hooking the graphics API used by the game, and that hook is usually performed by replacing the pointers to the functions of the graphics API with pointers to the cheat's own functions. Since DXVK provides its own graphics API functions in a similar way, it can look similar to a cheat in the eyes of poorly-written anti-cheat software.
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Somebody might have been cheating on Linux, got caught and then has their data (loaded modules) used as a specimen for a positive result, thereby flagging all Linux players as cheaters. That, or EA has a whitelist of loaded modules.That would excuse incorrectly banning players. It does not excuse upholding the ban: > After thoroughly investigating your account and concern, we found that your account was actioned correctly and will not remove this sanction from your account. I guess I'm reinstating my EA boycott, after all the progress and good will that they earned.
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Did EA ever officially support running on Linux? Shitty customer treatment aside, running a game on an unknown graphics stack isn’t really viable to allow if you want to e.g ensure users can’t replace shaders etc.I don’t think this kind of anticheat is a good idea to begin with but if you want to use it, it means that when you detect a shady stack you have to assume a user is a potential cheater. What EA should do is just reverse the bans if players want to run them on Windows, or refund the games (Origin credit) for those that aren’t interested if they can’t run on Linux.
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I don't think that Linux is the problem. Companies don't like banning players, that's lost revenue and bad press.I suspect that a lot of cheaters use Linux as a cover up. In fact, if I wanted to cheat, I would do exactly that. Not only the more open nature of Linux makes it harder to detect cheats but it also gives me a reason to complain. So I'm sure there are false positives for Linux gamers (it has happened), but I wouldn't be surprised if the vast majority were actual cheaters. And BTW, why play Battlefield V on Linux? Maybe I am wrong but from a technical perspective, it is a lot of hassle just to avoid running Windows, and performance is likely to be worse. And from a philosophical perspective, Battlefield V and EA are not exactly in line with the ideals of free software, so if that's your reason for not using Windows, why are you giving your money to EA?
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Primarily, I run games on linux because I'm already on linux and rebooting is a pain if I have a lot of things open.Performance on Linux is often as good as or better than windows. Linux as an OS is just plain faster, so that's fighting with whatever performance penalty is introduced by translation layers like wine/dxvk. These days it's usually not much hassle to run things on linux... certainly less than rebooting for a commonly used item.
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Apex Legends, a property from Respawn Entertainment though technically under the EA/Origin umbrella, has a different approach on cheating by using a combination of deep learning from previous matches and shadow-banning cheaters to play among themselves. I've yet to encounter identifiable cheating since the start of the second season (mid 2019)
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I don’t know what level you’re playing at, but at the Diamond+ level, I run into cheaters almost every night. They’re blatant and 30s of spectating will prove that. I also watch a lot of pro streams and they have the same experience.
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I like the idea of cheaters raging because they play against each other (i guess it could be legit competition lol).But works only if all the gaming is centralized. We loose the beauty of self-host games which is how some of the games survived more than decade.
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Honest but perhaps naive question: why is it that anti-cheat needs to be conducted through technology only? Back in the day, online communities had admins with near unlimited power (I'm thinking IRC and community Counter-Strike servers) and they solved that problem proactively.EA could have a few employees do this work but also let such employees appoint long-standing, well known community members have a limited set of powers to act upon the most blatant offenders in real time. Similar to how IRC had network and channel OPs
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One reason is that volunteers in these moderation positions begin to see it as a symbol of status and the power goes to their heads. About this time last year, Digital Extremes had to pretty much fire all of the Warframe chat moderators for abusing their power.There's also the issue of scale. Back in the day, online communities were much smaller. There were fewer online gamers, and network latency often restricted the range of a community geographically.
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Vulkan being around to compete with DirectX was supposed to break down the last big barrier stopping Linux from being able to game as well as Windows. I guess that only works if game companies are willing to code up the Linux version to begin with, though.
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It's more than just graphics APIs - Linux has long supported old-school OpenGL, so that wasn't really the problem.The state of audio libraries and systems on Linux is worse and OpenAL is now proprietary. Even if you're making a desktop-environment game (E.g. using GTK without SDL) there isn't a good, widely-supported Linux API for audio. Don't forget the other difficulties with porting Windows games (and software in general) to Linux that libraries like SDL can't help with, like file-system locations, deciding if you want to only support X or Wayland if you need window-manager integration, etc (granted, these concerns are less relevant today as games send to be filesystem-silod, single-window or exclusive-mode applications - but think about how games were in the mid-1990s with the multi-window SimCity 2000 or those desktop amusement minigames.
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> Even if you're making a desktop-environment game (E.g. using GTK without SDL) there isn't a good, widely-supported Linux API for audio.Depending on PulseAudio is fine now. The amount of people not running PA is negligible. If you don't want to do that, use an intermediary API like SDL or PortAudio.
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Doesn't PulseAudio have major issues with latency?
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Nothing that could be described as "major," no.
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The difference between X and Wayland is way more than needing window-manager integration. You are forgetting that keyboard and mouse inputs run through Xorg so the problem goes way deeper.
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You don't have to worry about that if you use GTK or SDL. They support both. The other really important thing in the age of console ports is support for game controllers, and that isn't handled by the display server at all. It has a separate API, which SDL provides a nice high-level interface for.
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I think there are some similarities because libinput can be used on X as well as with Wayland.
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Isn't there a Linux reference gaming platform?
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Adding support for a Graphics API isn't that difficult. What is difficult is adding support for all your internal tooling. This can be anything from existing scripts, build processes to the tooling itself.It simply isn't worth it when the percentage of players that are using Desktop Linux to play PC games is ~1% of the player base.
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That 1% has consistently shown that they are willing to perform that extra work themselves.While less than ideal, the status quo is nothing to lament. It is so much to ask for these publishers not to go out of their way to sabotage it?
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Wine and Proton are the last solution, and work exceedingly well, but companies such as EA are banning people that use those solutions for well no good reason.
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They do so for very good reasons as you can easily cheat in multiplayer games using those technologies.
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More than not coding up a Linux version, some games will actively refuse to run under Wine.
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"In the end [linux users] accounted for <0.1% of sales but >20% of auto reported crashes and support tickets (most gfx driver related)."
-- https://twitter.com/bgolus/status/1080213166116597760Vulkan would plausibly help the driver instability issues, but I'd imagine the Linux support costs will still be higher just given how little consistency there is between distributions.
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Or even just willing to not interfere with Linux users - I think Vulkan software generally works pretty well through Wine.
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The market-share just isn't there to justify any investment in Linux support. It's sad, but that's where things are.Even in cases where it should be low-friction (Unity/Unreal games) the friction is still too high to be really financially viable.