2019.02.28; Cute children literally sing the praises of Huawei in creepy patriotic music video

Cute children literally sing the praises of Huawei in creepy patriotic music video

"Which phone is the most beautiful in the world? Everyone says it's Huawei."

hile foreign governments may fear Chinese smartphone maker Huawei, the children of China evidently hold the company in different sentiment.
A video has gone viral on Chinese social media showing a group of cute Chinese kids literally singing the praises of Huawei. Called "Huawei the Beautiful" (华为美), the lyrics of the song go something like this:
Which phone is the most beautiful in the world? Everyone says it’s Huawei.
The battery is durable, appearance is good. China’s chips are the most precious!
Huawei is good. Huawei is beautiful. Huawei gives me wisdom.
Teacher teaches me to love my motherland and homegrown brand Huawei.
Huawei wins glory for our country!
Behind the video is a group called the Zhoudan Children’s Singing Classroom (周丹少儿声乐教室) based out of the southern Chinese city of Zhuhai. Huawei has been quick to disavow any association with the video, explaining that it was produced without their knowledge or participation.
It appears unlikely that the song will help to quell the fears of some Western governments who believe that Huawei is too closely tied to China’s leadership and that it would use its technology to provide backdoors for Beijing.
Last month, founder Ren Zhengfei denied that Huawei had ever spied for China, even claiming that he would refuse if asked.
"I still love my country, I support the Communist party, but I will never do anything to harm any country in the world," he said. "I don’t see a close connection between my personal political beliefs and the businesses of Huawei."
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