2017.02.21; Tim Ferriss And His Scam | Rookiejournal.com
Published by DB,
Last Update On February 8, 2012
Tim Ferriss And His Scam
by Vladi

Recently I found a very insulting article written by a guy named Tim Ferriss. The guy turn out to be famous for writing two books - 4 Hour Work Week and 4 Hour Body. I haven't read either and I won't discuss his books in this article. However I simply couldn't stand his misleading and far from the truth body transformation presented here: From Geek To Freak. (more like from liar to bigger liar)
The guy claims he gained 34 pounds of muscle and lost 3 pounds of fat all in 28 days. Unless you are very new to training you shouldn't fall for this. It's not physically possible to gain that much muscle in 28 days unless you are using sport technology drugs and what not. Otherwise the human body simply cannot do it the very same way we can't fly or run as fast cheetahs. It's just the way it is.
What made me quite angry were the fake before and after photos of Tim Ferriss. As you can see in the before photos Ferriss is far away from the camera while on the after photos he is shaved and closer to the cameras. This makes him look bigger although he is pretty much the same. Try this. Go closer to your mirror and do a most muscular pose then step 2-3 steps away and do the same.
Of course in the after photos he is shaved. This is the oldest trick in the book when it comes to producing fake before and after photos. The reason is that when you remove your body hair you instantly look more cut...the muscular definition is increased in minutes. For the very same reason all bodybuilders shave their bodies. In this case it gives the illusion that the guy has more muscle separation when in fact he does not.
Also in the before photos Tim Fake Ferriss is hiding his legs while he is polite enough to show them later. This create an illusion that he is bigger since his legs look like sticks in the before photo due to the shorts hiding them. Great way to look bigger in the after photos. On top of that if you look closer in the before photo his arms are closer to his torso in order to make his lats look smaller. On the other hand he has imaginary lat syndrome in the after photos in order to look more powerful. This is coupled with a different stance as well. In the before photos his feet are pointing straight forward while in the after photos his toes point to the sides in order to expose his adductors and make his legs look bigger. The adductors are decently big muscles. Big adductors make your legs look like tree trunks. I can go on and on but I think you get the point. Let's get to the fun part now.
The guy claims his shoulders went from 43 inches to 53 inches. In other words he somehow added 9 inches to his shoulders area. I'm sorry but if you add 9 (nine) inches to your shoulders you will look like a flying squirrel. Obviously not the case.
The more impressive data presented by Tim Fake Harris is the fact that he added 4 inches to his legs, 2 to his arms and 4 to his hips (glutes). I don't care who you are but if you believe this kind of mind blowing transformation takes 28 days you better go see a therapist. Similar change takes years of real training and sufficient nutrition intake. To do it in a month is simply impossible.
Another of my favorite parts is how he also lost 3 pounds of fat all while gaining his phenomenal 34 pounds of muscle. Again - IMPOSSIBLE. Nobody on this earth can gain 34 pounds of lean muscle tissue in 28 days WHILE losing any kind of fat. The body needs plenty of nutritional elements in order to grow while you have to reduce what you eat when the goal is fat loss. Both can happen at the same time only if you are taking some sport technology drugs a.k.a steroids or your are as fat as your grandmother to begin with. Otherwise it's physically impossible. Still not convinced?
I got more.
The guy claims that his waist went from 29.5 inches to 33.1 inches. In other words his waist has increased. How can this happen when he lost fat? This is a contradiction. You lose fat but somehow your waist increases. And please don't tell me that he gained muscle. I've been training long enough to know that the last thing that grows are the abs. More on this here.
Tim Ferriss is a fraud in my eyes and his body transformation is fake. On top of it the guy has a book on training. I haven't read it and I won't comment on it but coming from a fraud like him his book is not worth my attention. The guy is no different than Mike Chang and his sixpack shortcut program. Too bad this guys make millions.
If you believe things like that it's time to stop and open your eyes. I wish it was possible to gain 34 pounds of muscle in 28 months but it's not and in this case we have a poor marketing attempt.

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Also, he says that I after measurements, he had more than 25" legs. Well, Chuk Sipes had 25.5", Steve Reeves 26" and all looked A LOT bigger than him.
I used his recommended Occam's Protocol (a scaled down version of Geek To Freak, which you're talking about) and was able to for the first time in my life gain 10lbs of muscle in 30 days. Granted I didn't eat enough and didn't take any of the recommended supplements. I'm very happy with my results and would recommend anyone try out the recommendations and see what happens - it's just 30 days. Also I know I gained muscle and not just fat/water as I increased my weights between 10 - 30% on all four compound exercises.
Anyway I'd recommend anyone try it out for themselves and see your own results -- that's what his whole book is about - self-experimentation.
How can you make judgements when you ever admitted you didn't read the book. The man (tim ferriss) is changing people's lives for the better everywhere. To any reader of this rediculous article, don't be a dolt like the author of this. You (author) should just open your narrow mind and read some of the success stories - haha, you are such dope. And if you can't read, which I assume, watch youtube, you will see that he looks exactly like those photos. People like you will never succeed.
Well I haven't tried this part of the book, but I can attest for other chapters in the book. I followed his diet and combined it with a decent military style pt regiment, and have achieved just under the results that he says you can in weight loss. However, I only missed that target by about 4 pounds, but I still sit 30 pounds lighter than I did a month ago. I was with you in believing that the results were outlandish, but feeling that I had nothing to lose I thought I would try it, and got 30 pounds worth of results, definitely worth the money I spent on the book.
I think he regained weight he lost; at least that what I read somewhere else...
Something that is left out of the 'Geek to Freak' story is what happen to Tim 14 days or so before hand. He got sick on one of his trips that put him in the hospital for a while and lost allot of weight. For the most part his muscle 'gain' here is really muscle 'rebound' to about where he was before getting sick.
Different lighting also helps to evidentiate (or to hide) the musculature. That's an old trick of this sort of propaganda as well. And these days no one can discount some use of photoshop, whether in both before and after or just one.
Yes, there are lots of ways to overemphasise a body transformation.
You can't pass judgement on something you haven't read. Your observations are narrow-minded and having no basis on fact. You should take down this page. It doesn't help your online persona.
You must have had your heart broken by Tim you are so bitter. Whats the matter, did he not call you back after he lost the weight and starting looking great? You're a bitter little bitch and are certainly acting like one. Instead of worrying what percentage of muscle he gained, do society a favor and get off your fat ass and read a book, jog a lap or turn a wrench. Just put the bon bons down you pathetic fuck! Lol!
Be informed before you pass judgement, or you'll always be a "rookie"
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
-Neil deGrasse Tyson
I saw you say you wrote the article. good for you to get your opinions out there. but in all honesty though i think you should back up your claims with some science. i'm sure if it's as impossible as you keep saying it is it'll be well documented. When the only argument you have is that You say it's impossible that doesn't mean much to me. i've never heard of you or seen you published but i have heard of him and know he has been published.
I do find his claims to be improbable, but your article and the way you carry on in the comments by saying he's "a dick" doesn't discredit him so much as it does yourself.
If i was you i would write another article citing study's to prove it's "Impossible" and when you get a negative comment either disregard it or address it in a more professional way.
Probably best to read the books before going off with such criticism. God forbid someone should discover something that you didnt know, were not aware of or is outside your experience. Your responses to posts in the comments section is also fairly poor, just as you can be an internet critic people are allowed to disagree with you just as you obviously disagree with Ferris.
haha rookiejournal, you are a "dick". Read his book before commenting on it. Your still allowed to disagree, but people might take you more seriously. Anyways how would an eight year old know about gaining muscle? Did they teach you it at primary school?
You're a douche bag.
I read his first book, the "four-hour-workweek", and liked it a lot. Although I already knew that this "four-hour-body" book will be exaggerating, I ordered it and will start reading it today. However, I will try out his advice with caution, since I enjoy being healthy and his "ideas" seem a bit extreme. Nevertheless, I agree with you, this muscle gain is impossible.
Lol. Complete fail from the aurhor of this article.
I wouldn't rush to call him a fraud. He DOES say that he is using lots of "sports technology" as you put it. Lots of it and two of them with every meal as well. By the way he is not exactly out of shape in the "before" picture either. He is very accessible for interviews and such, why don't you contact him and get an interview instead of speculate from the shadows.
I've never read the book, but he's a fraud.
- Rookie Journal.
Attacking other journalists before actually reading their comments makes you a real amateur journalist. In-fact you seem to know that given your title of this website.
You're a hater. LOL
No matter what you say I prefer him in before, such a cute nerd, in the after he looks like a fake bodybuilder that has a fake tan to impress the idiots.
I'd do him in the before, I would think it twice in the after!
I understand why you are upset, but wouldn't it be better to read his books and judge him by his methods than just pictures and knowing nothing how he did it ? Just saying, maybe you should be more openminded ;)
He is also trying less to make biceps in the before pictures -- his arms are not in the best bicep flex position, whereas in the after, they are.
You ignore the story behind this... he JUST had surgery so he was deflated... then he used all sorts of gear to get back to where he was... as an experiment as to the possibilities - something he's done with a WIDE VARIETY of food, supplements, etc, etc.
HERE, You Say At The End That It's Impossible To Gain 34 Pounds Of Muscle In 28 Months...MONTHS??? (Maybe Not 28 Days!) It Is TOTALLY POSSIBLE and Happens All The Time - Thousands and Thousands Of Super Dedicated Body Builders The WORLD Over Gain Even More Than 34 Pounds Of Muscle In 28 Months -
Just Read The Bio's Of The Top Ten Mr Olympia Body Builders Diaries!! You'll Be SHOCKED!!
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